
Verbier Festival July 30, 2024

“[Behzod Abduraimov] lights up the 2024 Verbier Festival in this exquisite and carefully chosen solo recital, featuring gorgeous melodies from Prokoviev's Romeo and Juliet; Franck's Prelude, Fugue, and Variation — dedicated to, and suggestive of, Camille Saint Saëns — and a work by African-American composer Florence Price, whose music has recently been restored to its place in the concert repertoire. Abduraimov's thrilling capstone is Mussorgsky's timeless Pictures at an Exhibition, culminating in a grandly stirring musical vision of the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv.”

Gramophone February 7, 2024

“The Uzbek pianist Behzod Abduraimov now enters the fray with a bold resetting of Gaspard within an album titled ‘Shadows of my Ancestors’, in which Ravel is partnered by Prokofiev and his countrywoman Dilorom Saidaminova. This is a bold step: Abduraimov’s first foray into Ravel on record. Had he been quietly working on the piece behind the scenes?”

International Piano Jan/Feb 2024

The cover of the January/February issue of International Piano features the Uzbek pianist Behzod Abduraimov, whose album ‘Shadows of My Ancestors’ is out in January. Michelle Assay talks to him about dividing his life between Uzbekistan and the United States and combining music by Ravel and Prokofiev with the 1973 work The Walls of Ancient Bukharaby the Uzbek composer Dilorom Saidaminova on his highly personal new album.

Gramophone January 29, 2024

Editor’s Choice Gramophone Magazine (latest album): Recording of the Month. Featuring outstanding new releases from Behzod Abduraimov.

New York Classical Review, January 27, 2024

“It wasn’t hard to imagine that Behzod Abduraimov, pianist from Tashkent, was bringing centuries of history to his recital in Carnegie Hall Friday night. The program, after all, was an augmented version of the album he released this month, titled “Shadows of My Ancestors.”

The New Criterion December 2019

“Last night, Behzod Abduraimov, the young pianist from Tashkent, played a recital in Carnegie Hall. Earlier this season, in the same hall, he played Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1, with the Munich Philharmonic…I have never heard this concerto played better by anyone, in a lifetime of hearing it. And last night’s recital was extraordinary, too.”

The New York Times, February 6, 2019 

“With prodigious technique and rhapsodic flair, Mr. Abduraimov dispatched the work’s challenges, including burst upon burst of arm-blurring octaves, with eerie command. I was even more impressed by how he conveyed the structure of this single-movement yet boldly episodic piece.”